Sunday, September 28, 2008

The fugitive

Blinded by the light he woke up.

Tempted to sip the last drop,

Misty mountain tops surrounded,

Crowding the barren desert in solitude

He woke up.


The trail of the never before trodden path gone cold.

The eyes searching for one last route of escape.

Escape, was it?

The flight from his homeland,

The run from his loved ones,

The escape from his disappointments,

The fleeing from the truth.

It was indeed, An escape !


Lost amidst the sea of emotions

What else could he do?

But stare and see

At the remnants of his fast evaporating life.

Volatile smooth transition

Into the effervescent .

The decision had to be made and taken

With immediate effect

And no regrets

And he did.


He fled.

Ran with all his might

With all determination

With all intention to free himself

From the clutches of his grief

After all he had lost everything


And he fled…


The mind took a drastic step

Leapt into the future

Overlooking the present

And ignoring the past

And it dared to hope,


And therein committed its worst crime yet!


Trust and faith,

Bounded in chains,

Were freed for eternity .

Left alone would have died a natural death

Messed with…

Death cast its hood over him …

And yet again he fled…


Today finally

Unable to launch himself

Defeat slapped him hard

He bit the dust

Soul torn apart

Till he could take no more

Wishing heartily he could wrench himself away

Futile wishes,

After all he still had to flee…


The fugitive had surrendered

Knighted by himself

He had to endure

He couldn’t…yet he was the fugitive

And he wasn’t supposed to be a master of endurance

The voice now said

“This is your last chance.

 Fail and you perish.

 Flee and you survive.

 Try and you win.”


Was he supposed to win?

He daren’t know

Survive?He wished hard.

Perish. Last thing on his mind.

In the end

He kept wondering…


All in all he was the Fugitive…

As he stamped his signature on the coarse ground

The Fugitive …


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Hollow-Man 2


Wandering along an unchartered road,

Looking across the walls of derision,

Striving for that unestimated want,

Leaving the confusion amalgam behind,

Diving deep into still waters

Disturbing the all serene calm,

Crashing through the blocks of lust,

Wading across weedy fields of haunt,

Unruffled by the creaking doors of hate,

Screechy screams screaming out loud,

Asking for escape,

That desired touch of freedom,

Ideals recollected;

No way out of this mess,

Hallow-ed by the Hollow;

Empty serene tranquil descending,

Pervading thoughts segregated by the Hollow,

Total peace.


Basking in that afterglow…

Tuesday, September 09, 2008


No thoughts to speak about…yet so many thoughts just playing peek-a-boo…feeling hellish, alone, deserted … feeling so full of life…yet so very much incomplete…not at all into studies…not at all into anything…just scratching the superficial sub-layer of the wide stream of Everything…surfing the pages of “The theory of everything” by Stephen Hawking…bored…listening to sentimental rock…whoa a new genre of rock discovered and christened by me(or someone has already done it before me? ;-) )!!! … writing a couple of lines on word and then deleting…scratching the back of my head about what to write…thinking about the aimless-ness of my life…what’s the purpose???...”tum ho toh” playing…truly…what a life it would have been…pending exams…the ability to get help from known quarters on those days…to hell with studies…the lost friend’s memories…memories…a devastating word…brings back soo many things…no way…distract yourself boy!! … the long-impending hair-cut…the ponytail…tragic story of not a single photo being clicked of it…CHEMARADERIE’08…nice day it was…its preps helped me delve deep into something…DJ and the dancing…interaction…nice term…and whats everything without interaction??...1 year back…nooo not again…to HELL with memories…gotta rearrange my bookshelf…far too many books lying here and there…and also gotta make a trip to the library…wanna read Shantaram…but forgotten the name of the author…dammit!!...cant recollect…it used to be my specialty…was so damn good at quizzing and all…where’s all that gone now??...just lost all of that ability I guess…

happens…lost all motivation…hollow…feels just like hollow-man…whoa I’m the hollow-man!!...feels awesome…mastered an amazing ability to get into everything and yet stay just kissing the surface…numbed…or is it numb?...helps to stay in control…who is this speaking?...its my mind…nonsense…need a fag…lit the cig…curling smoke shrouds the front of the screen…”here I am” by bryan adams…my fav song…used to motivate me so very much…can it bring back that spark??...that spontaneous reaction of the feeling of going out there and conquering the world…seems so easy…its not soo easy…life’s taught me that the hard way…kept going and trying to no avail…memories again…O GOD!! What is it with this word??won’t it stop clinging onto me like a radio tied to my back??ever???...a quote comes to my mind…”One of the reasons why people hold onto memories so tight, is because memories are the only things that don’t change even when people behind those memories change…”…truly…be it for good or bad…now not more philo n gyaan…too boring…distract man…need to learn playng the notes of the guitar..yeah meaningful workout…that’s what can keep me occupied now that the freshers welcome is over and nothing really to bide my time on…now the lyadh’s getting to me…the ever perennial JU lyadh ,fighting so long to take a stranglehold since the past 20 minutes, takes over…cant write anymore…


A small peek into the thoughts…others might not like it…dunt care…just felt like writing…just somehow feels nice..yeah even for this hollowman…lol !!...ending with another quote…”I’m propagating a unicameral form of idiosyncrasy occurring malevolently in the meritorious part of the claterubial brain…”…in short I’m remembering you…you see memories…I guess have to live with the fact that they’ll cheer me up and bog me down wherever n whenever…a confusing role they play…INDEED…